SALOME—The saga of the lady with the seven veils is in the tradition of the most successful Biblical-era films, providing spectacle, sex and inspirational values. Rita Hayworth. . ....
I Confess (WARNERS)—Strong emotional performances by Montgomery Clift and Anne Baxter are the mainstay of this generally gripping movie, filmed on location in Quebec....
Meet Me In St. Louis (M-G-M)—A STORY replete with charm, color, coziness of home and family, to say nothing of romance, is this so-different musical all wrapped up around a gay ninety tune hit “Meet Me In St. Louis.”...
Road to Bali
The first fine bloom of the “Road” series may have worn off, but for aficionados there’s still a relaxing charm about the adventures of Bing, Bob and Dottie. As usual, Crosby, Hope and Lamour give you the impression that they’re making up the...