What’s In The Stars For The Stars And You?
The party’s over—but do you remember that moment when the beat of the dance music seemed to fade, and suddenly you asked yourself, “Wonder where I’ll be this time next year? Wonder what I’ll be doing? What’ll have happened to me by next New Year’s Eve?” Well, let your imagination be our guest. Photoplay cordially invites you to our own dream of a mad party in Hollywood. Who else is coming? See opposite page. Can you guess? If not, then turn to page 73. If you can’t believe your eyes, neither can we! Elvis whisked in from Germany ? Jayne and Rick splitting a cooky? Debbie and Liz dipping into the same punch bowl? Wow!
The guests—that means you and all the stars—have at least one thing in common, wherever they were on New Year’s Eve. They all wonder what 1959 will bring them. New friends? New fun? New romances? Dangers to be wary of? Good luck or bad ahead? For a peek at the answers, noted astrologer Ruth Hale Oliver (mother of actress Susan Oliver) has done some amazing star-gazing. The sign of the zodiac tells all—including the birthdays of your favorites. Why not clip these pages, so you can send them cards? Address studios, or c/o Screen Actors Guild, 7046 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.
Forecast for Stars: Debbie Reynolds (April 1) will spend the year concentrating on her career and trying to forget the heartbreak of her marriage to Eddie Fisher, for a reconciliation looks unlikely. She will hide much of her unhappiness within her, because she has too much spunk to make a parade of her feelings. . . . Doris Day and Marlon Brando (both born April 3) will be a little confused as to what they really want from life. Despite this, 1959 should bring Marlon more emotional steadiness; a real love seems to be forthcoming. Both he and Doris are in a rising cycle and will gain extra stature in the roles they play on the screen. . . . Tony Perkins (April 4), too, will continue to climb. However, with his Saturn (the planet of limitations) blocking Mars (energy), Tony may find it difficult to express himself; he may not be able to get the kind of roles he wants to play. This frustration will clear up in November or December. . . . Jayne Mansfield (April 19) should be successful in her business venture into health salons with husband Mickey Hargitay. But Pluto passing over Mars will bring a big change in her life some time in April or May. . . . James Garner (April 17) will feel a new creative urge this year. He’ll want to reach out for fuller self-expression as an individual—but he’d better step carefully.
Characteristics: If you also were born under the sign of Aries, you are ardent, spontaneous and have an infectious enthusiasm for life. You like to pioneer, to be the first to do something new; you are often the leader of your crowd. The Aries girl is alert, friendly and full of fire. The Aries man is active physically and mentally. He makes quick decisions and acts on them right away. In love, he’s the dashing he-man and likes his women feminine.
Forecast for You: Love holds a big place in your life this year, especially if you were born during the first two weeks of April. This can be romantic, heart-stopping love, but it will have some ups and downs. You may be able to gain an honor or reach a position of leadership in 1959, but only if you truly earn it. Don’t defy authority. If you do, or if you become too self-willed, parents or teachers will crack down on you. If you are able to handle responsibility and work in cooperation with others, this should be a year to gladden your ardent Aries heart and give you scope for your talent in leadership.
Other Aries Stars: Diane Jergens, March 31; Alec Guinness, April 2; Spencer Tracy, April 5; William Holden, April 17.
Forecast for Stars: Rick Nelson (May 8) may be re-nicknamed “Reliable Rick” this year. He has broken through obstacles that stood in his way last year and will continue to emerge in his own right in 1959. His strong Earth sign indicates that he has long staying power in addition to dramatic fire. However, like other Taureans, he should make changes slowly all through the year, never being too hasty about them. This year he will give great consideration to the idea of going out on his own, but he should think twice about breaking family ties. . . . For Mark Damon (April 22), the month of April or May will see a sudden development that will change the course of his life. . . . Of all the newcomers in Hollywood, Al Hedison (May 20) is the guy to keep an eye on, says the zodiac. With Neptune (the ruler of the movies) in the mid-heaven (which governs career), Al should make the big time, given a year or two. He’ll move ahead in 1959, though he has some delays to cope with until his next birthday.
Characteristics: If Taurus is your sign, you have patience and persistence. You are unswerving in your aims and faithful to those you love. Usually serene and easygoing, you have a fierce temper when aroused. Your ruler is Venus, the planet of love and beauty. You like the good things of life. Taurus girls often cook and sew beautifully and have musical talent. You have a poised but voluptuous charm. Taurus men give the impression of masculine strength and imperturbability.
Forecast for You: This is a year of changing relationships; you will be taken out of the old routine and brought into contact with expansive, very probably glamorous people. You shouldn’t fight this change, for it can move you into a new and wonderful world. But, if you’re going to make the most of the possibilities, you’re going to have to use a little caution. Don’t cut yourself off from the past or familiar ties too abruptly. Some of them may be more valuable than you realize. Don’t be blinded by the stardust in your eyes. Some of your new friends could deceive you, if you’re too gullible and trusting. Try to stand off from time to time and look at others objectively. Your down-to-earth Taurus common sense is your best ally all year. Let it guide you, and you can make inspiring friends, perhaps meet the love of your life.
Other Taurus Stars: Sandra Dee, April 23; Shirley MacLaine, April 24; Glenn Ford, May 1; Bing Crosby, May 2; Audrey Hepburn, May 4; Stewart Granger, May 6; Gary Cooper, May 7; James Stewart, May 20.
Forecast for Stars: Typical of this sign is Pat Boone (June 1), with his serious interests, his many talents, quick friendliness and high standards. But even he should feel a lightening of his spirits in 1959. . . . Marilyn Monroe (also June 1) will be much in the limelight, full of bubbling, overflowing joy that will enchant her fans. In the autumn there may be a conflict between home and work, so that she’ll feel obliged to choose between the two. Since her home and marriage mean everything to her, she may give up her career temporarily. But MM’s astrological chart is so gloriously actressy that she won’t stay out of the public eye too long.
Characteristics: You are versatile, quickwitted and sociable, interested in everyone and everything. You can be light-hearted and serious in rapid succession. The humdrum and routine are your bugbears. You’re beguiling, hard to pin down, but never boring to the opposite sex, since you can be two or three people in one.
Forecast for You: You should get a big bang out of friends, neighbors, short trips, studies and group activities. You can meet stimulating people through these and learn a great deal that will help you in later life. You shouldn’t overlook the possibility of taking a part-time job, for you could find much happiness through it (and put away a few pennies besides). The spring and late autumn should bring you generous, optimistic friends and add to your popularity. Even while you enjoy yourself, this is a good time for practical interests, for thinking seriously about your future and taking the first career steps.
Other Gemini Stars: John Wayne, May 26; Andy Griffith, June 1; Tony Curtis, June 2; Rosalind Russell, June 4; Dean Martin, June 7; James Darren, Dana © Wynter, June 8; Audie Murphy, June 20.
Forecast for Stars: The horoscope of Robert Evans (June 29) shows him to be very ambitious, and this characteristic will be strong all year. Bob is also a very sensitive individual, whose sensitivity is not always obvious to other people. This combination makes him vulnerable to criticism, which often hurts him deeply. His defense mechanism is a quick temper that can easily get him into unnecessary scrapes. He should be careful of it this year. Careerwise, Bob’s glamour sign will rise, and he will have continued good fortune. . . . Natalie Wood (July 20) faces a career year that can be very fruitful, after the recent lull—but it also looks very chancy. The important news in her chart is a serious emotional upset toward the end of the year. Set this against the forecast for Bob Wagner (noted under his sign, Libra), and it appears that the Wagners may be heading toward their first real quarrel.
Characteristics: Your ruling planet (using the word in the astrological sense) is the Moon, so you are moody and emotional. Home and family mean a great deal to you. Cancer men have a way with a woman, for they are understanding of her moods, thoughtful and cherishing toward her. Usually, they are good providers. Cancer girls have a gentle and feminine enchantment, like Janet Leigh (July 6). They have a natural talent for flattering and comforting their men.
Forecast for You: This could be a magical year for love and artistic expression, especially if you were born in June or early July. If you haven’t already met your one and only, you may do so now. Parties and social gatherings, club activities and sports should bring you joy. But you will have to use discretion if you are going to keep your position with the gang on a solid footing. You may feel that you’re being asked to do more than your share when it comes to handling group activities or shouldering responsibility. If you let yourself get hurt, you’ll wind up lonely and misunderstood. If you are generous and give of your time and interest freely, you can build lasting friendships and add to popularity. Be practical with money, which may come in or go out unexpectedly.
Other Cancer Stars: Judy Holliday, Jane Russell, June 21; Susan Hayward, June 30; Leslie Caron, July 1; Bob Hope, July 9; Tab Hunter, July 11; Pat Wayne, July 15.
Forecast for Stars: John Saxon (August 5) got off to the start of a twelve-year Jupiter opportunity cycle at the end of last year. His magnetic appeal will be at a height in 1959, but he must be careful of quarrels and scrappiness that could set him back. . . . Eddie Fisher (August 10) also should be cautious of carrying a chip on his shoulder. He should, as well, be careful of seeming too unpredictable, for he will be restless, dissatisfied and not quite sure of what he wants. According to his chart and Liz Taylor’s (see her sign, Pisces), the attraction between Liz and Eddie is far more serious than Hollywood suspects. But near the end of the year he will face a situation that poses a threat.
Characteristics: You are magnetic and warm-hearted. You have an instinctive feeling for drama and you like to be the center of the stage. You need praise to bring out the best in you. When it is given sincerely, you show your gratitude with generosity and devotion. You like to be boss. You have a quick temper, but don’t hold grudges. Your manner is frank and friendly. You are ruled by the heart. When you let love guide you, you’re wonderful, but if you push it aside—alas!
Forecast for You: 1959 will be a dynamic year. Particularly if you were born during the first half of August, your life is undergoing vital changes. You are no longer content with the old goals and are reaching out for fresh ones. You’re discovering that you have capabilities, talents and desires you never dreamed of before. At times you may be too restless and independent, because of your eagerness for new experience and a break with what seems monotonous. You should be cautious of this, for you could trip yourself up or destroy relationships that mean more to you than you realize. Don’t rush changes. Let them develop naturally if you want them to bring the greatest benefit. Daily duties may seem boring, but you will gain by giving them attention.
Other Leo Stars: Richard Egan, July 29: Don Murray, July 31; Robert Taylor, August 5; Robert Mitchum, August 6; Esther Williams, August 8; James Cagney, August 17; Molly Bee, Shelley Winters, August 18.
Forecast for Stars: Three or four months from now will be a crucial period in the life of Tommy Sands (August 27), though his general outlook will be optimistic. According to the stars, he should be able to take real strides toward his goal. . . . This will be a wonderful year for Ingrid Bergman. She will have happiness in her love and expanding good fortune. She should have even greater appeal for her fans than in the past.
Characteristics: You people of Virgo are the perfectionists of the zodiac. No detail is too small for your attention; you polish and rearrange things until you get them just right. Because of this thoroughness, you often come out ’way ahead of more flamboyant types, who’ve been making a lot of noise and getting very little accomplished. You have a quiet charm and unassuming manner, with a kind of sex appeal that sneaks up on people and lasts. Sometimes you are over-critical; you should be careful you don’t seem to nag.
Forecast for You: In 1959, the delays and obstacles of recent years should fall behind you. Inspiration and outgoing happiness may be found with neighbors and close friends and through short trips or studies. You are maturing emotionally, either through a serious love that brings responsibility as well as pleasure, or through learning more consideration for the faults and foibles of those you care for. Listen to your hunches, for some of them could hit the mark. The spring and autumn should find your home a center for entertainment, happiness and love. Your own popularity should be at its height in late summer and autumn.
Other Virgo Stars: Mel Ferrer, 25; Earl Holliman, September 11.
Forecast for Stars: George Nader (October 19) is emerging from a period during which he felt lowdown and blue, but 1959 will be a challenging year for him. He will find opportunities galore to forge ahead in his career, though he may lose out if he becomes too exuberant and careless. The more realistic and practical his approach, the better his chances for present and future success. . . . This should also be a fine year for Charlton Heston, if he can sort out the confusing influences on his career. He should stay a free lance and avoid signing long-term contracts, because these may not work out the way he expects them to. Otherwise, his spirits remain light, and he will be surrounded by love and popularity.
Characteristics: You have real tact and social charm, both springing out of your desire to please. You have instinctive good taste, a love of beauty and proportion. Because your sense of fair play is so strong, people often come to you to ask help in settling their differences. Many Libra women are genuine beauties, like Deborah Kerr (September 30).
Forecast for You: The year will bring you stimulating friends, some of whom will help to broaden your horizons and give you a better goal to aim for. But use discrimination, for Bohemians, crackpots and eccentrics are likely to cross your path as well. You are in an important cycle, especially if you were born in September or early October; the choices you make this year are going to have a lasting effect on your future. You are being asked to take responsibilities and make decisions and should do so wisely. Look far ahead and see where you go, and then take the first steps in that direction. This is an expanding year financially. You could find a profitable part-time job.
Other Libra Stars: Aldo Ray, September 25; Julie London, September 26; June Allyson, October 7; Montgomery Clift, Rita Hayworth, October 17; Inger Stevens, October 18; Dolores Hart, October 20.
Forecast for Stars: Rock Hudson (November 17) will find the emotional wounds of his divorce gradually healing. He will start a twelve-year opportunity cycle in 1960, but until then he should be flexible and ready to accept changing career conditions. For him, 1959 will be an up-and-down year—he must be very careful. . . . Anthony Franciosa (October 25) also must learn to play the waiting game, since 1959 is a mixed-up year for him, too. However, he’s due for wonderful opportunities, in both his career and his personal life. First, he has to get past difficulties, which show up particularly strong in the spring. At that time, he should keep his temper down and have patience. By the end of the year, he should be past such blocks and on the road to greater things.
Characteristies: You belong to a class of people who usually have magnetism, great sex appeal and dramatic power. Yours is a strong-willed and emotional nature. When upset, you get melodramatic—an extreme you should guard against. In love you are possessive; but if you are loved in return there isn’t any sacrifice too great to make for the one you care for. Despite your emotional depth, you are reserved and a little mysterious to most people.
Forecast for You: 1959 should be a happy year, when your charm is at its height and good fortune and popularity come readily. You should have a little extra magic when it comes to putting yourself across, especially if you were born in October. Your poetic and intuitive abilities should be strong. Your outlook is serious and purposeful, and you can put it to good use in grasping opportunity when it comes and in finding expression for your heightened creative abilities. Just be careful not to get too snippy with your elders, for they could surprise you by snapping back hard.
Other Scorpio Stars: Burt Lancaster, November 2; Robert Ryan, November 11; Jean Seberg, November 13.
Forecast for Stars: This year Frank Sinatra (December 12) will more than hold his own as an actor. His popularity will continue to grow, while his love life will remain as changeable as ever. . . . Kirk Douglas (December 9), on the other hand, may find the going a bit rough in 1959. Dissatisfied with his roles or with the public’s reaction to them, he may press too hard. Instead, he should relax, for by the end of the year he will enter a cycle of good fortune, expansion and opportunity.
Characteristics: The Sagittarian man (Sinatra, for example) likes women who are good companions, but he’ll run from anyone who tries to fence him in too tightly. The Sagittarian girl, like Hope Lange (November 28), wants to share her man’s major interests, is a loyal helpmate. You have a zest for life, a love of travel, sports and dancing. You are open-handed and outspoken; you like to do things on a lavish scale. You have high ideals.
Forecast for You: During the past few years, you’ve been carrying a heavy burden, but you can heave a sigh of relief as this lifts with the beginning of 1959. Interest now centers on exciting contacts made through long-distance travel, through friendships with those of foreign birth or a background different from yours, through intellectual interests and studies. Your mind is growing and exploring new possibilities for your future development. If there is a pinch in your life this year, it falls in the money department. You may have less to spend than you like and should budget carefully. Your intuitions should be heightened. The spring and autumn months could find you feeling especially expansive and optimistic; this air of confidence will increase your popularity and attract general good fortune.
Other Sagittarius Stars: Kathryn Grant, Jeffrey Hunter, November 25; James MacArthur, December 7; Van Heflin, December 13; Jeff Chandler, December 15.
Forecast for Stars: Fans of Elvis Presley (January 8) needn’t worry about what will happen to Elvis’ fame while he’s in the Army. The stars say that 1959 will bring him hard work, as it will to other Capricornians, but the year should also add to his popularity. . . . Sal Mineo (January 10), too, will continue to grow in stature and popularity. However, 1959 may bring him a separation from someone he loves. He will be quite upset over this parting, but he shouldn’t take it too seriously, for his real romance is several years in the future. Sal should be careful of restlessness; it might lead him to make changes too abruptly.
Characteristics: You’re ambitious practical in your outlook. Because you can organize activities and cope with crises, you often find yourself in a troubleshooting role. You have a down-to-earth sense of humor, which people sometimes find unexpected, because of your usually serious manner. You mellow as you grow older. If you’re good-looking to begin with, you gain attractiveness with the years. Marlene Dietrich (December 27) has a typically Capricorn kind of beauty.
Forecast for You: You won’t be able to take 1959 lightly, for it will bring you responsibilities, and you will have to work hard for what you get, especially if you were born in December. But if you pitch in and do a solid job, you should be able to make lasting progress and win the respect of those you admire. Friends will add a happy, inspiring note, as you come in contact with generous, helpful people. They should brighten your spirits, share good times and fire your ambitions. Some of them may be glamorous or artistic.
Other Capricorn Stars: Ava Gardner, December 24; Richard Widmark, December 26; Robert Stack, January 13; Cary Grant, Danny Kaye, January 18.
Forecast for Stars: The future looks bright for the career of Kim Novak (February 13), but in love her heart could play her tricks, especially at the end of the year. She could mistake a false romance for the real thing—and not for the first time! . . . Carol Lynley (also February 13), like Kim, may mistake a fleeting love for a real one. However, this will not have a bad effect on Carol, because in later years she will look back on it as a pleasant romance. Some of her plans may be suddenly changed. But, because she is protected by Jupiter, everything should work out to her advantage. . . . Robert Wagne1 (February 10) has the same shadow on his chart that wife Natalie has on hers: emotional upset late in the year. In Bob’s case, another person’s influence enters his life about the same time, though this may not necessarily affect his marriage.
Characteristics: Yours is a rounded, balanced personality. You are interested in all kinds of people and ideas; you have your eyes on the future; but you don’t go to extremes or scorn everything that is traditional. You are curious, fond of gadgets, sociable, a fine companion. You are probably good-looking, without being flashy about it, and you have an electric impact on people. Man or girl, your affections are so wide-spread that it’s hard for you to settle down to one personal love above all others.
Forecast for You: This should be a most important year in your life. You are meeting new, fascinatingly different types of people—especially if you were born during the first two weeks of February—and through them you are branching out and discovering new worlds to explore. This is all to the good—but you should use moderation in breaking old ties and discrimination in choosing new companions. There are longstanding obligations or connections you haven’t really outgrown, and you shouldn’t try to shove them into the background. Blend the new with the old, as you are temperamentally well-fitted to do, in order to gain the most from this year’s influences. You may win an honor or added prestige this year; your standing with the big brass should be tops.
Other Aquarius Stars: Paul Newman, January 26; Dorothy Malone, January 30; Jean Simmons, January 31; Clark Gable, February 1; Jack Lemmon, Lana Turner, February 8.
Forecast for Stars: Joanne Woodward (February 27) seems to be all shook up inside. She’s restless and wants to reach out for something fresh. She will seriously consider giving up her career to go into a new one, but the movies will probably hold her, because of her strong appeal for the public. She could gain new acting laurels. . . . Elizabeth Taylor (February 27) will show brilliant progress in acting ability, which could win her an Academy Award and a reputation as a great actress. Surprisingly, her horoscope and Eddie Fisher’s complement each other smoothly; hers indicates that she needs exactly the sort of masculine companionship Eddie can supply; Eddie’s calls for a woman remarkably like Liz. But it is by no means sure that their love can survive the late-year emotional upset on Eddie’s chart.
Characteristics: You are restless, intuitive and emotional, relying on your feelings rather than your mind to give you the tight answers. At times sociable, the very best of host or hostesses, you have moods when you crave solitude, time to be alone and dream. You have instinctive sympathy for others. There is a mystery about you, often suggested in your beautiful, glowing ayes.
Forecast for You: 1959 should be an inspirational year. You are under less pressure than you have been in the recent past; things come to you more easily. You can form lasting friendships with older or influential people. Travel, study and religion mean much to you now, and through them you will receive encouragement and happiness. Whatever is poetic and creative in your outlook will be stressed. The only snarl may come in daily routines or in connection with employment skills. You have much to learn and a more modern viewpoint to adopt. If you try to stick with the old familiar ways, you’ll be in for upsets. Your prestige should grow and your light shine brightly.
Other Pisces Stars: Cyd Charisse, Gia Scala, March 8; Jerry Lewis, March 16.
So the zodiacal year runs its course, from Aries to Pisces. As the calendar year of 1959 begins, you and the stars of Hollywood may look forward to an exciting twelve-month journey charted by the stars of the heavens. If anything goes wrong, just blame it on Sputnik.
1. Elvis Presley
2. Kim Novak
3. Doris Day
4. Rick Nelson
5. John Saxon
6. Jayne Mansfield
7. Sal Mineo
8. Rock Hudson
9. Carol Lynley
10. Debbie Reynolds
11. Liz Taylor
12. Jim Garner
13. Tony Perkins
—Charts and Predictions by RUTH HALE OLIVER, as told to RONA BARRETT.