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Paul Newman Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Paul Newman"

John Travolta’s “Wife” Dead!

Hollywood is still reeling from the shock of Diana Hyland’s death! Only 41, the young and the world by its tail. She had just started a new TV series. Eight Is Enough, and it seemed to have the potential of a Happy Days or Welcome...

Why Paul Newman Left His Wife?

For three years we’ve known the story of Paul Newman’s secret love. For three years we refrained from printing it because we hoped things would become right again with Paul and his wife, Jackie. But now that there’s no hope left—we feel we have to...

Robert Redford Riding High

Since the beginning of his career over 10 years ago, the movie industry believed in Robert Redford’s future. So, for that matter, did Robert Redford. The problem was that they could not agree on what the exact nature of that future should be. To settle...

Biography Of Marilyn Monroe

PART III   The bride was on time. On January 14, 1954, at one o’clock, Marilyn Monroe, twenty-seven years old, married Joe DiMaggio, thirty-nine, in the San Francisco City Hall. The ceremony, which lasted all of three minutes, was performed by Municipal Court Judge Charles Peery. The Los...

You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Parties: Mike Todd, at his $7,000 party following the “Raintree County” premiere in Louisville, Ky., cautioned the orchestra not to play “Around the World in 80 Days.” “This is her night,” Mike emphasized, nodding toward Liz, “and I want no publicity for myself.” And her, in bright array, looked a dream. But...

Paul Newman’s 2 Days In A Nudist Colony!

When I reported to the set of M-G-M’s “The Prize,” I wasn’t a bit nervous—until a man asked me to take off my clothes. And just when I had finally composed myself, I learned that not only would I be naked, but that my scene...