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Sophia Loren Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Sophia Loren" (Page 3)

That’s Hollywood For You

I wonder if Tuesday Weld thinks Beverly Aadland is a wild kid. . . . “Suddenly, Last Summer” is the only movie I know that qualifies to be on the Diners Club. If you don’t understand this joke, see the movie. . . . I’ll...

Vintage Paparazzi Visits A Movie Set

Colossal spectacles—with the traditional “cast of thousands”—get most publicity in the filmmaking department. But a strong, intimate drama like Paramount’s “Desire Under the Elms,” requiring a full staff of only about fifty people, demands as grueling work from each one of them. Preparation started two...

Hollywood Says: Benvenuto Sophia!

“With George Raft holding my hand and Tony Perkins feeding me I am so very wanted” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Italian actress Sophia Loren, the star of three major Hollywood films: 20th’s “Boy on a Dolphin,” U.A.’s “Legion of the Lost,”...

The Reluctant Traveler

Making a movie in Greece was exciting, living in a rock ’n’ roll home was fun. But at times Alan Ladd was ready to give up the ship....