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Sophia Loren Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Sophia Loren" (Page 2)

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

“Stardom doesn’t last,” a new player named Fredric March confided to Photoplay in 1927. Bette Davis put it another way. “I don’t want to own anything I can’t pack in a trunk,” she proclaimed upon first arriving in Hollywood. Yet March, after thirty years, is...

What Has She Got That Hollywood Hasn’t?

y, Americans got their first look at the highest paid movie actress in the world. Her name: Sophia Loren from Naples, Italy. Adding up the names of the lady Academy Award winners in the past four years we find that one is Dutch (Audrey Hepburn),...

Sophia Loren Faces Five Years In Jail

The shrill brrrrrrrr-ing does not stop. Brrrrrrrr-ing. Brrrrrrrr-ing. Brrrrrrrr-ing. Sophia Loren, her eyes still shut, reaches out for the alarm clock on her night table, turns it off and then buries her head under the pillow. But the bell still rings and, swimming up out...

That’s Hollywood For You

Anita Ekberg should be more famous than she is . . . Okay, so Kirk Douglas is a Viking! . . . Venetia Stevenson loves her horse as much as that boy loves “Lassie.” . . . I’ll bet movie execs wish they could buy...