When Oreste Sings, Oreste Sends!—Oreste Kirkop 4 Mart 2023 in Hollywoodby admin As an opera singer, Oreste had London bobby-soxers waiting in line. As a movie star, he’ll have the jukeboxes rocking to Puccini! ...
Changeable Lady—Eleanor Parker 13 Şubat 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Directors mistake her for somebody else, even her children are sometimes confused by Eleanor Parker, the girl nobody really knows...
Go Out To A Movie 1 Nisan 2022 in Cinemaby admin Written on the Wind—Though Rock Hudson and Lauren Bacall lend balance as two likably normal people, it is Robert Stack’s performance that gives conviction to this flamboyant drama....
Listen, Kate . . . 9 Mart 2022 in Hollywoodby admin They say you’re a terror on the set—always fighting with your leading men. Now it’s my turn to talk....