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Joan Collins Tag

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The Naughty Lady From Drury Lane Joan Collins

Something new has been added to the Hollywood scene. It’s a saucer-eyed bundle from Britain, one look at whom caused a dazzled producer to remark, “At last—the Marshall Plan pays off!” Just in case you haven’t heard of Collins yet, here’s the rundown on her....

Joan Collins’s Other Life

Here for the first time anywhere are the family pictures of Joan Collins as a frantic, fabulous child and girl, running away from bombs—and after boys!...

You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Parties: Mike Todd, at his $7,000 party following the “Raintree County” premiere in Louisville, Ky., cautioned the orchestra not to play “Around the World in 80 Days.” “This is her night,” Mike emphasized, nodding toward Liz, “and I want no publicity for myself.” And her, in bright array, looked a dream. But...

Natalie Wood . . . On The Rebound

If you saw Natalie Wood at LaScala Wednesday night of this week . . . or Thursday . . .or Saturday, saw her with the tall, lean, young man, wealthy and sophisticated, if you saw them together, you’d see the change in Natalie. And you...

What Has She Got That Hollywood Hasn’t?

y, Americans got their first look at the highest paid movie actress in the world. Her name: Sophia Loren from Naples, Italy. Adding up the names of the lady Academy Award winners in the past four years we find that one is Dutch (Audrey Hepburn),...