You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi
Lounging Ladies: Michael Wilding loves to tote home surprise packages to Elizabeth Taylor, which is why he selected green and white polka dot pedal pushers for her at Don Loper’s fashion salon. Lovely Liz is hoping for a girl who’ll be christened Virginia—her favorite childhood name. If the new baby’s a boy, however, the Wildings will call him Christopher . . . Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis love to haunt public auctions by day, but they’re stay-at-home Scrabble hounds by night with Janet dressing for the occasion. Her favorite: satin lounging pants. Their new headquarters in Coldwater Canyon, incidentally, isn’t their own as reported. Despite a swimming pool, tennis court and combination built-in hi-fi, Ty and tape-recording set, they’re still searching for the perfect place to buy.

But Cyd Charisse and Tony Martin, who are building the perfect place, had to move three times while waiting. Their rented houses were sold right out from under them! Favorite future at-home outfit for Cyd is Loper-designed “union suit” of black all-in-one jersey, worn with yellow felt cape skirt . . . Believing that women should dress to please men, triple-threat business woman Arlene Dahl dresses to please Fernando Lamas. Natch! Designer Ben King’s black chiffon negligee skirt over matching lounging pants solve the situation! . . . Since separating from Jeff Hunter, sloe-eyed Barbara Rush dresses to please herself and black velvet toreador pants play a prominent part in her personal wardrobe . . . Lori Nelson who doesn’t want to go steady with anyone, may look like the fragile, feminine type. But she’s the tweedy type at heart, which is why she wears tweed pedal pushers when her gang descends upon her for one of those informal evenings of charades and barbecuing.

Brides and Grooms: Poor Pier Angeli and Vic Damone searched in vain for a honeymoon house. Finally Bob Arthur came to their rescue and rented them his isolated hilltop home. Pier and Vic’s hideaway is built in the shape of a ship with a “deck” projecting out over a precarious cliff. And their nearest neighbors are wild rabbits, squirrels and coyotes! . . . But Mitzi Gaynor and Jack Bean settled for a house in the heart of the film colony. San Francisco was wonderful to Mitzi when she appeared there on the stage in “Jollyana” a few years ago. One reason why her wedding ceremony took place in the beautiful bay city. . . . Three months after 28-year-old Vera-Ellen met redheaded 31-year-old oilman Victor Rothschild, they became man and wife. When Bing Crosby saw that handsome hunk on Vera’s left hand, he asked her where she kept the batteries! And the first congratulatory wire to reach the happy pair came from Rock Hudson, who was once head man on Vera-Ellen’s romantic poll.
Hollywood Wonders: Why Grace Kelly was so anxious to play in “Bridges of Toki-Ri.” She has five average scenes which could have been played by any competent stock actress. But Grace is merely magnificent in “The Country Girl!” . . . Why 20th takes such chances with valuable Robert Wagner. Hospitalized recently for ear injuries received from underwater scenes in “Twelve Mile Reef,” Bob also still suffers ill effects from the diet and contaminated water in Durango, Mexico, where they shot “White Feather.”

Tub Thumpers: You can’t kill a guy for trying, but those press-agented stories of a romance between Debra Paget and Jeff Hunter fell flat. She isn’t seriously interested in any man and his current concern is his beloved son. If necessary, Jeff will fight for joint custody when Barbara Rush sues him for divorce.
Studio Strippers: Tony Curtis and Jeff Chandler no longer share that four-room suite at U-I. They’re still buddy-buddys but the studio built a snappy new dressing-room building and now there’s room for each to be in business for himself!
Friendly Enemies: Now it can be told! “The Sea Chase” is finished and Lana Turner couldn’t get her sexy self back to M-G-M fast enough. She wasn’t exactly enchanted with John Wayne, director John Farrow or those six scenes that kept her on Kona Island four weeks. Finally the beautiful blond blew her beautiful top and reminded Farrow that she “wasn’t a fifty dollar a week stock girl and to take her role and stuff it in the ocean!” The day the Duke married Pilar Palette he chartered a private plane and flew his friends to Honolulu for the ceremony. There were plenty of extra seats, but Lana wasn’t even asked to go along for the ride. No, she wasn’t concerned because she felt she had been taken for one already!

Many Happy Returns: On Rock Hudson’s 29th birthday, his mother and four of his closest friends threw him a surprise party in his own apartment. The cake was decorated with the names of all his pictures and topped by a chocolate camera. He received more cuff links for his collection and musical rolls for his player piano. But Rock’s greatest gift of course, is being borrowed by master-director George Stevens to star in “Giant.” Last time he worked for Warners, Rock had one line to speak in “Fighter Squadron” and was so nervous it took twenty-eight takes to get one good one. They didn’t give him a dressing room either, so you can guess where he had to change clothes! This time he has a three-room suite.
Operation Hollywood: Yes, Marilyn Monroe was even three hours late for her “minor surgery,” which caused a hospital nurse to flip: “I’m glad she wasn’t expecting a baby!” . . . And Dan Dailey may have to check in for special treatment. Rochester accidentally moved a chair on the Jack Benny tv show, which Dan was supposed to sit on. He landed on his spine and has been in agony ever since. . . .

Walking Papers: Twice before Rhonda Fleming tried to divorce Dr. Lew Morrill and he talked her out of it. Now he’s making his third attempt. . . . And Edmund Purdom returned from Europe, but didn’t return to his home and hearth. Exasperated Mrs. Purdom no longer tries to be an “understanding” wife. . . . With refreshing candor Tony Curtis now admits he and Janet Leigh were facing marital problems. “By consulting a psychiatrist and talking things out,” says Tony, “we have greater understanding and our marriage is as it should be—perfect!”
Here and There: Perfect house-guest Montgomery Clift, paying a quick visit to Hollywood, wouldn’t allow the Michael Wildings to throw him a party. . . . When Sammy Davis, Jr. lost an eye in a traffic crash, friends-in-need Jeff Chandler and Betty Hutton filled in for the famous Negro entertainer. . . . Virginia Mayo and Michael O’Shea were in New York when he was called back for a TV show. Mike wouldn’t leave his love alone in the wicked city, so they flew home for three days—and flew right back again!

Baby Talk: Bob Taylor says—“It’s like a dream come true.” He’s referring, natch, to the exciting news that he’ll become a father next June. In the meantime, the Taylors head for Europe to bring back her son. Ursula Thiess also has a daughter by a former marriage, who is already in this country. . . . Real estate agents holding a house with a built-in nursery, please note. Peter Lawford’s interested for a very official reason! . . . And Guy Madison is so happy his bride voluntarily gave up her career, because, “I’d rather have a big family than a small scrapbook.” Only dark cloud on Guy’s horizon is the serious illness of his ex-wife. Poor Gail Russell is now suffering from a liver virus and malnutrition.
Cal Predicts: That Debbie Reynolds is going to lower the boom on exploiting the private life of the Eddie Fishers. “After we’re married,” confides this wise one, “we won’t be news. That’s a good time to give the public a rest!” . . . That Tab Hunter can become one of the top boxoffice stars of the country if Warners won’t waste him in small, supporting roles. He receives more mash notes from teenagers than any young actor in Hollywood. . . . That Terry Moore is heading for a newfound popularity of a different nature. When all that sex-pot stuff boomeranged, Terry pulled in her headlines. She didn’t work for a year and during that period stayed home and acquired poise and dignity which you’ll now see in “Daddy Long Legs.”