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Liz Taylor Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Liz Taylor" (Page 3)

That’s Hollywood For You

I’ll bet Sophia Loren is now regarded as a Hollywood actress in Italy . . . I can’t imagine Tony Perkins cooking a meal, but . . . he does . . . Nobody sings a torch song like Frank Sinatra . . . Nobody...

That’s Hollywood For You

I BELIEVE THAT Mario Lanza is misunderstood, even by himself . . . Saw Liz Taylor with gray hair after she played a scene for “Giant.” If this is a preview of things to come, I’m putting in my bid for Liz Taylor as on...

Ann-Margret: “Why I Prefer Divorced Men”

As Ann-Margret and Eddie Fisher dated in Las Vegas, whispers followed them—even as they bicycled along the Strip. Those whispers said, “Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor!” All those tourists who had come to Vegas—as much in hopes of seeing celebrities as of hitting jack-pots—stared...