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June Allyson Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "June Allyson" (Page 12)

11:30 Saturday Night

It’s America’s night! Some of the things Hollywood does will surprise you. Here’s a lens’-eye view of the stars in their special-date-night pastimes....

Go Out To A Movie

I Confess (WARNERS)—Strong emotional performances by Montgomery Clift and Anne Baxter are the mainstay of this generally gripping movie, filmed on location in Quebec....

How to Have A Love Affair?

No tears, please—and no scenes. No lipstick-smudged collars and nothing so untidy as divorce. Let Rossano Brazzi tell you how love can be charming....

Girl Of The Moment

June Allyson in wonderland! The life story of a girl who met the challenge of the past and has won a bright new present....