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I’ll Be Seeing You Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "I’ll Be Seeing You"

How A Star Is Born

You’ve arrived. You discover many things you hadn’t expected as a star—the loneliness that comes with fame, the financial problems, the ceaseless study. But you also find—it’s the most exciting time of your life...

Photoplay’s Photolife Of John Derek

John Derek’s face is his fortune, it’s been said. But John doesn’t go along with this. His face, he’ll tell you, has often been a drawback. At school, the girls, wary of his looks, were too ready to rate him conceited. And it took many...

Wartime Wife

A surprise story about the Ginger Rogers of today and the pattern she has figured out for her war-waiting....

Go Out To A Movie

I’ll Be Seeing You—The heart will respond to this story with its two-fold purpose—to acquaint us with the care and understanding soon to be needed by our nerve-shattered boys, and to entertain us with one of the sweetest of love stories imaginable....

Shirley In Short

Putting together the past and the present of an all-time popular girl—bewitching Miss Shirley Temple....

Portrait In Joseph Cotten

Painting in subtle strokes—Joe, with the many-faceted personality, a modern man who might have been a country squire three hundred years ago....