Sweet Dreams, Tweety

Tweety dozed in his airplane swing, listening to Granny read his favorite bedtime story.
“And so,” said Granny, “Lucy Lamb, Momma Duck, and everybody in Storybook Land lived happily ever after.”

Tweety rubbed his sleepy eyes. Where was he?
“Baa,” said Lucy Lamb, after giving him a welcoming kiss.
“Uh-oh! I must be in Storybook Land,” said Tweety.

“Storybook Land is weally fun,” said Tweety as he walked along the fence like a tightrope walker. Lucy and the others cheered.
Suddenly Tweety felt a gentle raindrop, then another, and another.

“Quack,” said Momma Duck, inviting Tweety to walk in the soft spring rain.

After the rain there was a beautiful rainbow, and lots of little animals came out to play.
“Uh-oh!” said Tweety, staring at a black kitten. “I tawt I taw a puddy tat!” The kitten looked very familiar.

Then it was nighttime. Suddenly there were wonderful balloons and a breeze that lifted Tweety up, up into the Milky Way!

“I’m coming in for a landing,” said Tweety. He floated onto a cottony cloud.

Tweety looked up at all the twinkling stars. He longed to take one home.
“May I have one, pwetty pweeze?” Tweety asked the man in the moon.
“Come and join me!” said the man in the moon. “Then you can pick a star.” Holding on tight to his balloons, Tweety floated up to the moon.

Tweety picked the brightest star in the Milky Way . . . and tucked it in his cap.

Tweety was getting very sleepy . . . so sleepy that he fell off the moon . . .

landed in his airplane, and headed straight for home!

Tweety was safe and sound in his little cage as Granny finished his favorite bedtime story.
“Sweet dreams, Tweety,” said Granny. . . . very, very softly.
It is a quote. SWEET DREAMS, TWEETY 1993