One Girl’s Reaction To The Berlin Crisis
The cold war was going from hot to hotter—and Leslie Caron wasn’t helping things. She was on the scene at the urgent invitation of the Berliner Filmfestspiele Committee, perhaps because they remembered her as a calming, quieting influence. Of course, we’re just guessing, but certainly they weren’t expecting shy, demure Leslie Caron to start her own fireworks. But she did exactly that. After the showing of her latest movie, “Fanny,” Leslie made her personal flight to freedom, slipping off to a refuge picked out in advance. Her escape did not go unnoticed. In fact, on this trip, nothing about Leslie went unnoticed. At the once-peaceful poolside of a friend’s home, she made news. Perhaps Leslie only meant to get her feet wet as a sexy siren, but one thing led to another and . . . . The End
Faced with a hot crisis, Leslie Caron jumped right in to cool things off. Here she is shown negotiating her special brand of personal diplomacy. As you can see, things went smimmingly.