Welcome to Vintage Paparazzi.

Beaux Catchers

Virginia Mayo We’d say this is really getting a bead on a man! Anyway, it’s a pretty way to rope him in. Of course, Ginny will discard some of her collection-—mustn’t overdo your lines, ladies

Marla English Here’s a pretty piece of whimsy that should add sparkle to any girl’s conversation—matching sweater and phone. Naturally, it must be seen to be appreciated. That’s the idea!

May Wynn He’ll be happy to have you wear the pants—like these! It’s that feminine touch a man likes—the patches we mean. Make ’em gay. He won’t quit admiring you on the job

Colleen Miller Expect showers of compliments when you step out in this rainy-day ensemble. Posies on a parasol to match the color of your coat—if they don’t get him, he’s really all wet!

Taina Elg A sure-fire way to start a blaze—romantically—is Taina’s fireman red cape. But here’s the provocative part. It’s angora—as soft and cuddly as a kitten. Hear that man purr!

Virginia Leith A convertible cap that’s both hat and scarf makes a pretty frame for your face, brings out that pixie look men love. So let the wind blow—you’re warm. And he’s getting warmer!