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Sunset Boulevard Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Sunset Boulevard" (Page 2)

Christmas Dreams

MEMO TO MR. S. CLAUS: Since children write you letters and grownups never do, we thought we’d play postman for the stars. All they want for Christmas is a red car, romance, Paris in the Spring and—other things that will surprise you when you click...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...

The House That Grew Up

Is your home a relic of the past or is it, like Shirley Temple’s, bright proof that houses can change along with the people who live in them?...

I Predict . . .

Better keep this for future reference. That Graham girl has a lot to say—about what is going to happen to some stars...