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Love On A Holiday—Jane Powell & Geary Steffen

Jane Powell, you’ll remember, learned to skate in order to get better acquainted with the instructor, Geary Steffen. Now Jane’s learning to ski. Bridegroom Geary’s an expert at that, too. Long before he met Jane, he was a lieutenant in the Ski Troopers in Italy during the war. Recently, Jane and Geary drove over to Mt. Waterman, about forty-five miles from Hollywood, so Janie could have her first skiing lesson. Trail names like Alley-oop, Burp Gulch and Homicide Hollow fascinated her. But, because she was a “snowbunny” (a novice), Geary would let her practice only on Show Off—the trail for beginners. A man can’t be too careful of his bride.

Geary teaches Jane the forward lean. The day was so hot he finally stripped to the waist

Jane was game but the going was rough, for a beginner. Expert Geary knew what to do! Jane’s in “Nancy Goes to Rio”

Jane goes up the breezy way—on 2,200-foot- long chair-lift to the top of Mt, Waterman

With all that snow around, Jane could not resist giving Geary a “cold-pack”

Evening—and the closeness that comes with happy hours shared