There are some people I’ve never forgiven, and others who’ve become my good friends after our battles royal. Now I want to set the long record straight....
“Life with Elizabeth was more than unbearable—it became, at the end, a living hell,” sighed Eddie Fisher. “How do you think it felt to see three years of living and loving and suffering go up in the smoke of scandal?” Though headlines in the newspapers...
What is the truth about Debbie Reynolds’ private life today? Now, in a personal heart-to-heart talk with her long-time friend Louella Parsons, Debbie confides all: “I have never seen Glenn Ford away from the sets of the three pictures we have made together.” Debbie Reynolds...
“George Washington sat here,” Roy Rogers said, as they sank into the pew. And Dale Evans smiled, thinking she would never forget Philadelphia, or this very breathless moment—this moment when her feet stopped hurting....