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James Gleason Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "James Gleason"

Dorothy Kilgallen Selects “The Bishop’s Wife”

As a normal member of the female population, I always have considered Cary Grant “divine” in the colloquial sense of the word, but I must confess it never occurred to me that he would make a splendid angel. It did occur to the astute Samuel Goldwyn,...

Go Out To A Movie

The Affairs Of Susan—Susan, played by Joan Fontaine, was four women to four men, and all of the Susies were interesting, none of them dull, and each one lovelier than the other, which only goes to prove a woman can be anything a man wants...

Go Out To A Movie

Tonight And Every Night—It’s a musical—different, appealing and B strangely warming in its quaint little way, adorned with Rita Hayworth’s beauty, enhanced with the dancing of an amazing blond young man named Marc Platt and silhouetted against the early bombings of London....