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ED DeBlasio Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "ED DeBlasio"

How Jacqueline Kennedy Gets On With Her In-Laws…

The White House—like most houses—has had its share of that most hair-raising problem of them all (war, revolutions and national defense notwithstanding): The In-Law Problem. Mary Todd Lincoln reportedly had several “kin whom Abe, despite his general kindliness, could not abide.” James Polk, an otherwise...

Pat Boone and Shirley Foley: “We had to Elope”

Pat held her hand, tight. “What’re you crying for, Shirley?” he asked. He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his handkerchief, gently, one by one. “What’re you crying for?” Shirley tried to talk. “My daddy . . .” she started to say. But then she...

Sal Mineo’s Thanksgiving Miracle

Mama Mineo will get up at about 6:30 on Thanksgiving morning. The others will still be fast asleep—Pop, Sal, Sarina, Victor, Mike. But Mama will be up early so she can get her big meal started. After all, there’s the antipasto to be made—with its...

Ann-Margret’s Life Story!

Last month, Part 1 of Ann-Margret’s life story described how she and her parents left their native Sweden and came to live in Illinois. In Wilmette, a high school teacher told Ann-Margret, “I predict Hollywood for you” A short time later his prediction came true....