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Sorcery For Summer—Terry Moore

Ask a real beauty like 20th Century-Fox’s Terry Moore how she manages always to look as “pretty as a picture” and she may not be able to give you an answer. The truth is, she may not even realize that it’s because she never takes her good looks for granted—never stops her campaign to look even lovelier. It would be a wonderful thing if we could all adopt the habit. As it is, we tend to prevaricate, and put off doing anything about the way we look until we’re forced into action by the sight of ourselves in our own mirrors. This means, of course, that unlike Terry, we have no consistency. Our level of attractiveness ranges all the way from exciting heights to the most depressing depths. There’s a great deal that you can do to improve this situation—better get going right now so you can start reaping the rewards of your new-found sorcery this Summer. The beauticians have done the work—all that you have to do is take advantage of it.

Take permanent waves as an example. When beauticians first conceived them, they were such complicated affairs that they could only be given in a beauty salon. Next came home permanents. Originally, all home permanents were very nearly alike. But look at home permanents now! And particularly, look at what they have just done to Lilt. As though it weren’t enough of an achievement to improve the waving lotion, supply vastly superior end papers and put the simplified directions in booklet form, Proctor and Gamble have perfected an instant neutralizer. This instant neutralizing saves you an important amount of time when you’re giving yourself that pre-vacation permanent. In case you’re wondering just how it could save you so much time when there are home permanents that cut the neutralizer entirely, we’d better explain. Neutralizing has to take place, you know, or your wave couldn’t be “permanent.” When you don’t use a chemical, the air has to do the job. But with air alone it takes hours and hours to complete the neutralizing. The new Proctor and Gamble neutralizer and method involves only enough time to make sure that your hair has been wet with the solution. The moment the formula touches your hair the wave is “fixed.” Another advantage is that this new neutralizer has a built-in wave conditioner. In other words, the instant neutralizer is made up of two parts: a packet of wave conditioner and a packet of neutralizer. Dissolved together they complete the new formula and assure you both a faster wave and a wave that leaves your hair in better condition. You can get this new Lilt, with all these important improvements (including a plastic turban) for a paltry $1.50, plus tax.

Another facet of hair beauty that needs thoughtful attention is the matter of color. This is particularly true in Summer when a glaring sun relentlessly spotlights streaks or unsuccessful encounters with a permanent dye. In either case the problem can be solved quite simply by giving your hair a rinse with one or two capsules of Noreen Super Color Rinse. Since there is a range of 14 different natural-looking shades from which to choose, it’s no trick at all to find one capable of “doing things” for any head of hair. Streaks are easily blended in with a rinse shade to match your original hair color—an unbecoming permanent dye job can be corrected by using Noreen either in your natural hair shade or a darker tone. Noreen Silver White Rinse, however, is the one to use to naturalize both the look and feel of over-bleached hair. None of these Noreen Super Color Rinses are permanent dyes, remember, even though they won’t “come off” on things. You apply them freshly after a shampoo and remove them, any time, with another shampoo. Boxes of Noreen capsules come in 30c and 60¢c sizes.

Tracking down some new more flattering make-up this season is as pleasant as strolling through a garden of flowers in full bloom. Beautiful pink tones predominate, but there are fresh reds and orange shades too. In fact, Helen Neushaefer has a new version of each of the three, designed to complement every one of Summer’s fashion colors. Gaiety is a lively orange, full of mischief and drama. Joy, the 1953 red in the trio, is a true, clear color, without any added tones to detract from its redness. First Lady Pink is the prettiest pink imaginable—it will remind you of the soft blush tones on a camellia petal. Every one of these shades comes in indelible Everon and regular-formula lipsticks, and matching nail polish. The lipsticks (in two sizes) are 39c and 59c. The nail polish, made with Neushaefer’s secret Plasteen, sells for 10c and 25c. Your neighborhood variety store has all these newcomers.

It occurs to us that you may be missing out on a very real aid to glamour if you’ve never investigated the full potentialities in a bottle of Nestle Lite Hair Lightener with Conditioning Oil. This time we’re not thinking of it in terms of your crowning glory at all. What we’re concerned with is its use as a hair-lightener for arms and legs. Because it has absolutely no harsh ammonia, it’s a particularly safe and effective way of making any unwanted fuzz invisible. It’s easy to use too—stirs into a pleasant froth that lightens the hair very quickly. In the bare-armed, bare-legged months it’s almost a “must.” A regular sized bottle sells for $1.50—a smaller one for 69c.

Lest anyone forget that the omission of a deodorant from your battery of beauty-props at this sultry time of year can go a long way toward nullifying the most potent of feminine charms, we remind you of Fresh. It’s not brand new—it’s been around long enough to gather an impressively devoted following. Why? It won’t stain clothes—won’t dry out in the jar. It’s kind to your skin, and gives you the long-lasting protection you’re looking for. Need we say more?