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Small Cars

After World War II there was a new automotive revolution. Most soldiers posted overseas had experienced long-distance travel for the first time. On their return home they wanted to be mobile and take their families much farther afield than their fathers had been able to....

Economy Models of the Post-Depression Era

The Great Depression that struck the United States in 1929 and spread around the world hit car sales hard. Some people still wanted cars, though their aspirations were lower. Upmarket car makers introduced smaller, more affordable versions for the new decade, and manufacturers of small...

Driving A Nation Forward

Seeking to boost mobility and car ownership, the Italian government struck an innovative deal with the country’s most important car manufacturer. Politicians pledged to invest in fast highways connecting up the important cities of the long, thin country, if Fiat committed to building a new...

Austerity Motoring

Low-cost motoring had been popularized in the 1920s and 1930s by the Ford Model T in the US and the Austin Seven in the UK. In the 1940s many more small economical cars arrived to provide motoring for the masses—often using tiny, two-cylinder engines....