Every Day Is Mother’s Day
Life begins, for these Hollywood mothers, when they open the. door to their homes and hear excited voices calling, “Mommy’s home!” For Jeanne Crain, mother of three big boys and a little girl, it usually means chaos—and she loves it. For there’s magic in kissing away bruised hurts, in chubby arms reaching for a warm hug or, as June Allyson ruefully admits, “having to paddle ’em occasionally!” Lauren Bacall was so busy being wife and mother of two she delayed going back to her movie career. And Mary Catherine’s nurse knows it’s time to disappear when Mom Ginny Mayo comes home! The stars can’t spend as much time with their children as most mothers. But what counts is the way they are bringing them up—the love and happiness that shines from the faces of the little boys and girls who call these glamour girls, “Mother.”

It’s Ricky, the tease, not Pam, who keeps June Allyson hopping!

Leslie had to grow a bit before Bacall would go back to work!

Just a toddler, but Mary Catherine has Mom Ginny Mayo hustling

Barbara Rush’s son Chris is real cool—about that first haircut!

Why Mama stays young! Jeanne Crain and her foursome, Timothy, Jeanine, Paul Jr. and Michael
It is a quote. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE MAY 1955