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Almond Biscotti


For the dough: 4 1/3 oz (125 g) almonds, ¼ tsp baking powder, 1 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp (175 g) flour, ¾ cup (75 g) ground almonds, 1 cup (200 g) sugar, 1 pinch salt, 2 eggs

Additional: butter and flour for the baking sheet

Blanch the whole almonds in boiling water, drain in a colander, briefly let cool, and peel off the skin. Put the almonds in a pan without any fat, place the pan on the stove, and leave it there for a few minutes, more to dry the almonds than to roast them. Knead a firm dough out of the baking powder and flour mixed together, ground almonds, sugar, salt, and eggs. Gradually incorporate the whole almonds.

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C), unless you have a convection oven, in which case preheat to 265°F (130°C), or a gas oven, in which case preheat to level 1. Grease and lightly flour a baking sheet. Form the dough into cylindrical rolls with a diameter of 1¼ in. x 1½ in. (3 cm – 4 cm) and place them on a baking sheet, making sure to leave enough distance between each roll. Put the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 7-8 minutes.

Remove from the oven, cut the rolls diagonally with a very sharp knife into 2 / 5 in. – 3 \ 5 in. (1 cm – 1½ cm) thick slices, and place back onto the baking sheet, cut-side down. Slide back into the oven and bake 10 more minutes, until golden.


It is a quote. Christmas Cookies Dozens of Classic Yuletide Treats for the Whole Family 2015