Where There’s A Will-There’s A Resolution
When the clock strikes twelve on January 1, 1955, amid the merry-making, Hollywood stars will be hauling out special lists, some long, some short, headed by: New Year’s Resolutions. Some will be made in fun, others will be serious self-promises. But like you and me, the stars, too, feel January 1st is a good time to wipe the slate clean and start afresh.
Arlene Dahl is serious about her career, her marriage and her resolutions. One way to keep a resolution, she insists, is to make out a list, scratch off those you keep and transfer the unresolved resolutions to your new list. “This year,” Arlene says, “Fernando and I are resolving to have a baby.” With Arlene’s and Fernando’s looks and brains this baby should be a beautiful genius!
Jerry Lewis is very serious about his resolution and all of his fans are sure hoping he keeps it. Jerry has promised, honestly: “To take care of my health. I was nearly gone,” Jerry admits after his collapse with virus pneumonia followed by jaundice. “And it scared me into deciding to relax. You don’t know how precious it is to be well until you’re not feeling good.”
And from partner Dean Martin, who gave up his beloved golf to haunt Jerry’s bedside: “In 1955 I’ll avoid doing anything that will give anybody reason to think that Jerry and I are busting up as a team.”
Everyone’s counting on Piper Laurie to break her resolution. They don’t think she can keep it this year or any other year. Piper can’t pass up a lost dog. Her home is more like a kennel, so she’s promised in 1955, “Not to bring any more lost dogs home.” Her second resolution may be easier to keep: “I resolve never to change the color of my hair.” With Piper’s lovely red hair, this should be a cinch to carry out. I’d also like to see Piper put marriage on her list. It can be as satisfying as a career—even more! So take a tip, Piper.
One guy who won’t be too unhappy to see 1954 pass is Dale Robertson. It’s been an unhappy year for Dale. He lost his wife, he fought his studio and he completely neglected his deep ambition: to write. “I’d rather be an author than an actor,” Dale confided to me in one of his rare all-barriers-down moods. “And I resolve that in 1955 I’ll glue myself to that typewriter and write!”
Marge and Gower Champion, in my opinion, are one of the best dance teams of our generation. But they have their problems. They go into a dance routine at the drop of a breath. At home, this can be disastrous to surrounding furniture. In the middle of a meal, while sitting in the living room, if a mood hits, they start dancing. “So,” Marge says, “from now on we’re resolving to confine our dancing to rehearsal halls.” And the stage, of course.
For Tab Hunter, 1955 will be a terrific year for him if he’ll be able to overcome his big fault: He can never be on time. If he’s supposed to be at the studio at eight, something happens and he just can’t seem to make it before nine. If he has a date for lunch at one, chances are he’ll arrive, with a forgive-me box of chocolates at one forty-five. Tab promises, and he has his fingers crossed, to keep tabs on appointments and buy a wristwatch with an alarm on it. Then he’ll have to make a new resolution to wind it!
I stopped by to see Mitzi Gaynor, and her resolution includes a piggy bank called “It.” “It is my resolution for 1955,” she explained. “I just have to stop spending money on clothes in order to save for a family.”
Cleo Moore’s a good actress, kissing or not kissing, but she resolved to clinch a good solid acting role in 1955 and to reach stardom within five years, or else she’ll cancel her resolution entirely and fall back on resolution number two: “To enter politics in my native Louisiana.” Cleo’s a blonde with plenty of brains—and she uses them, too.
Chances are, some of these good resolutions will be broken and will reappear on next year’s list but, after all, that’s the sport in making them.