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No One Tells Him What To Do!

Erik Estrada, who plays Ponch on CHiPs, has a reputation as an extremely outspoken guy. “I feel things very deeply,” Erik admits, “and when I feel something, I show it.” The young actor—he just turned 30—knows that his life could be a lot simpler if he were able to “mellow out,” but he finds this start “not at all an easy one for me. I wish that I could realize that some things just won’t change, and then not let them get me uptight. I’m working on that, but so far, I’m still the guy who hasn’t had things easy—and who wants to change things that are bad.”


Last year, Erik threw hi himself into his hit t.v. series with almost superhuman zeal. He still is a perfectionist and a fighter for what he considers just causes on the set, but in the past few months, the emotional Latin star has allowed himself more play time than ever before. He drops into Studio 54 when he’s in New York, shows up at some gala parties in Hollywood, and has come as close to marriage as ever before. The lucky girl was Kathi Lautner, who Erik originally hired to answer his fan letters. The attractive couple hit it off immediately, and Erik’s wandering eye seemed firmly set in place.


Talk of a trip down the altar proved premature, though; Erik has been seen in recent weeks with several new beauties. “Kathi and I have decided to take some space away from each other,” is the only comment Erik will make on the situation. Then the boy from Spanish Harlem goes on to sigh, “I love beautiful women. What normal guy doesn’t?” Since Erik does appear to still be on good terms with Kathi, he might decide that only one beautiful girl is better than five—but it could take awhile to decide.


It is a quote. Superstar Special Magazine 1979