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Picnic Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Picnic"

Kim Novak’s Do-It-Yourself Beauty Hints

At fourteen, like most teen-agers, Kim Novak hated her own looks. Her baby-fine, white-blonde hair she regarded as the end in nothing, her lashes were even more so, and her skin looked to her like skimmed-milk. On impulse, she decided to get herself turned into a...

My Boss, William Holden

I hope I haven’t made the halo fit too tight! But like the other secretaries say, when you work or William, you’re “Lucky”...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...