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Norma Shearer Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Norma Shearer"

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Liz is hoping for twins . . . Bergman weeps over Pia’s court testimony . . . Jane Wyman’s rug-cutting party is a WHAM-BAMMIE . . . Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford climax all of those rumors . . ....

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

“Stardom doesn’t last,” a new player named Fredric March confided to Photoplay in 1927. Bette Davis put it another way. “I don’t want to own anything I can’t pack in a trunk,” she proclaimed upon first arriving in Hollywood. Yet March, after thirty years, is...

That’s Hollywood For You

I know that Bob Wagner and Natalie Wood are trying to act like movie stars offscreen. They recently rented the only house in Beverly Hills that has a swimming pool with salt water...

That’s Hollywood For You

I wonder if Tuesday Weld thinks Beverly Aadland is a wild kid. . . . “Suddenly, Last Summer” is the only movie I know that qualifies to be on the Diners Club. If you don’t understand this joke, see the movie. . . . I’ll...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...

Figure Foibles

Even Hollywood’s famous figures have their problems. Here’s what they do to correct the shape they’re in!...

Love Set

Can it last, asks Hollywood? But Ginger and Jacques aren’t worrying about the future....