Beginning an unforgettable story, never before told about Jimmy Dean . . . I knew him for such a short time— Just six years. But that was all the time Jimmy had left to live....
The current movie heroes are boys trying to do a man’s work. Most of them are adolescent, and this applies regardless of age. These heroes include boys who'd like to be men. Some play tough guys, like Paul Newman and Marlon Brando. Some are rebels...
Does a bird like to fly? Does a fish like to swim? Does an actor like to sound off? Yes! When Photoplay gave me a chance to write what I really think, I jumped at it! And since love is what most of us want,...
Stepping onto a movie set was like stepping into a nightmare. The cameras looked like menacing cannons; the director, an ogre. To Jean Seberg, playing Joan for Preminger was truly trial by fire....