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James Mason Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "James Mason" (Page 2)

Julius Caesar

Brilliant acting blows the schoolbook dust off a classic drama and brings it to virile life...

Prince Valiant

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table live again in this colorful screen story of a medieval prince and his lady fair...

Hollywood Party Line

Hollywood guys and dolls have been livin’ it up with an assortment of parties, preems, openings—as usual. But this month things were a bit more varied than usual! One of the more colorful events. was the weekend junket Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis staged at...

That’s Hollywood For You

I'm weary of imitations of Dean Martin with the impersonator holding a glass of liquor. . . . No matter what they—and I might say about him, I do have a fondness for Fabian. . . ...

Hollywood Party Line

Biggest and most celeb-studded affair in a really frantic month was the enormous dinner tossed by the Producers’ Cuild honoring Darryl Zanuck. It was unique in that people didn’t just dine, sit through a bunch of speeches and then speed away. Nope! This affair was...

Go Out To A Movie

SALOME—The saga of the lady with the seven veils is in the tradition of the most successful Biblical-era films, providing spectacle, sex and inspirational values. Rita Hayworth. . ....