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Freddie Karger Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Freddie Karger"

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Hollywood Snapshots . . . I nominate Maggie McNamara . . . I had a ball at the Eddie Fisher party . . . Tony Curtis was really surprised . . . I challenge Bob Mitchum the letter box...

Louella Parsons’ Good News

It isn’t the easiest thing in the world to be the wife of a movie actor no matter how famous, good-looking and rich he is. There are no sure-fire recipes for keeping a movie hero a husband. But, close friends say that blonde Mrs. Dean Martin...

Hollywood Party Line

There was a paucity of preems this month but plenty of parties, large and small, plus some very special events, private and public. Of course the most special event was the gorgeous wedding, reception and buffet supper-dance at the Alan Ladds’ for dotter Carol Lee...

Hollywood Party Line

Biggest and most celeb-studded affair in a really frantic month was the enormous dinner tossed by the Producers’ Cuild honoring Darryl Zanuck. It was unique in that people didn’t just dine, sit through a bunch of speeches and then speed away. Nope! This affair was...

Glamour Gab Of Hollywood

New fads for the femmes . . . Monroe confuses the press . . . entertaining ideas for parties . . . the Lancasters’ answer to gossip spreaders...

Close Harmony

Jane Wyman’s high strung. Freddie Karger’s even-tempered. Together they make wonderful music....