Hollywood Party Line
There was a paucity of preems this month but plenty of parties, large and small, plus some very special events, private and public. Of course the most special event was the gorgeous wedding, reception and buffet supper-dance at the Alan Ladds’ for dotter Carol Lee when she wed Richard Anderson. Over five hundred guests thronged the enormous tent erected on the Ladds’ spacious lawns. It was a striped tent with transparent sides of lucite, and its interior was bedecked with millions of white flowers—so was the buffet “a few miles long.” As a matter of fact, the entire wedding motif was white—including the bridesmaids’ dresses of white shantung taffeta.

These were tight-bodiced, full-skirted short formals. Carol Lee’s bridal gown was a lovely thing of white Italian satin—a “period type” with long sleeves ending in seed-pearl studded points over her wrists. The train of the gown was formed from its own full skirt. Carol Lee wore a finger-tip length veil—flowing from her tiny hat of seed pearls. And she carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley. The bridemaids were sorority sisters of Carol, Cary Grant (who “discovered” Dick Anderson for movies) was among the ushers, and Dick’s brother, Bob Anderson, was best man. With Alan Ladd, Jr., as ringbearer and Carol Lee’s sister, Alana, as maid of honor, this was truly a glamorous “family affair.”

Did we tell you about the lovely midnight supper-dance given by producer Bill Perlberg at Chasen’s? Jane Wyman was there with her manager Herb Brenner, and one of her best friends, Nancy Sinatra, was at the soiree with Jane’s ex, Freddie Karger. And they were not seated at the same table in the usual Hollywood “friendly fashion!” Lori Nelson was with Guy Madison’s brother, Wayne Mallory, and she looked real nice, in a simple black evening gown. Donna Reed was in a stunning black strapless. Bing Crosby with Mona Freeman was “chaperoning” son Dennis and his date, Caroline Wilson. Mona was in fluffy white. Bill Holden and Brenda Marshall, Gloria DeHaven with Dewey Martin (they started up quite a romance that night), the Jack Palances, Dinah Shore and George Montgomery, the Jimmy Stewarts, Fred MacMurray and June Haver, the Bob Cummings were others I saw at this small ball. And Greer Garson with ever-lovin’ Buddy Fogelson. This party inspired Greer to give one of her own a few nights later, in honor of the new wing—mostly of Italian pink marble—just added to her Brentwood home.

Sohelpus! It’s been years—and probably will be years again before Tinseltown witnesses an opening night such as greeted Sammy Davis, Jr., when he bowed into Ciro’s for his first entertainment chore since losing an eye in an auto smash. It was the kind of a gala most visitors to Hollywood (and millions of others) dream about—with scores of stars there giving Sammy a standing ovation for his great talents and courage. It was sooooo exciting! Judy Garland, Sid Luft, Humphrey Bogart, June Allyson and Dick Powell were tabled together (Judy and June both in short black crepe dresses).

So were Jeff Chandler, Sammy’s chum, with Betty Abbott, Liberace, the Ricardo Montalbans, Hugh O’Brian, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Ben Cooper, John Smith, the Gary Coopers, Bob Taylor and Ursula Thiess (who seldom night-club), Ginger Rogers and Jacques Bergerac and Clark Gable with Kay Spreckels. Things got so hectic at one point, that proprietor H. Hover had to call cops to control crowds outside! And most of these famous folk came back night after night to hear Sammy and applaud.