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Jane Powell Collections’ Items

If there was any lingering doubt in the minds of moviegoers about the allure and appeal of the new Jane Powell, here is proof positive. As a grown-up girl in her twenties, Janie has felt, and reasonably enough, that she could do better than the homey little-girl parts she’s been given. Moviegoers agreed with Jane—and in a poll this Spring readers of PHOTOPLAY showed their agreement in a vote overwhelmingly in favor of a Janie grown up and mature. So she proceeded. to act in accordance—now she is wearing more sophisticated clothes, she has given her hair a new and glamorous short cut. On screen’ you’ll see a new Jane in “Three Sailors and a Girl.” Off the screen you’ll see the new Jane too. When she was photographed at the Desert Inn, Las Vegas, where she was doing a night-club stint, there was no doubt about the new Janie—being very, very appealing!