Gladys and Vernon Presley lived in a two-room house in Tupelo, Misissippi. It was in this house, on January 8, 1935, that Elvis was born. His twin brother, Jesse Garon, died at birth. Elvis’s mom couldn’t have any more children, so she was very protective...
“I would have wanted so much to have a family of my own,” Elvis Presley said. “A wife, kids—so my mother could have been a grandma.”
He spoke the words unconsciously—as though his mother’s death, just three years ago August 14th, had somehow lessened his chances...
This time they weren’t going through the back way. The big, black Lincoln Continental rolled up to the front entrance of The Cloister, the famous nitery on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip. Three young men stepped out of the limousine, and then Elvis. He was healthily tanned,...
The place was jammed to the door and jumping at The Cross Bow, a little-known rock ’n’ roll hangout in the San Fernando, one recent Saturday night. Gals and guys left their tables for the crowded floor, swinging to the beat of Lance and the...