For ten years these stalwart standard-bearers of sex appeal have been unchallenged champs. All the bright young men haven’t unseated them yet—and they may reign for ten more. Long Live The Kings!...
“nothing is too tough for my Pop, John Wayne, whether it’s digging ditches, wrestling an Indian in the broiling sun, or taking time out for a round of football with us boys”...
We couldn’t believe our ears when we heard what she had to say.
MODERN SCREEN finds Miss Ekberg’s views at once shocking and stimulating. We disagree with what she says, but are presenting her controversial notions to you, unexpurgated, in Anita’s own words, so...
I first met him on the telephone—an introduction that took me to Mexico and into an adventure that was to be the beginning of my friendship with John Wayne * By Robert Stack...
A blind boy’s courage, a welcome from a stranger, a mother’s faith and determination these are the stars’ reasons for being grateful for what they have. What are yours?...
All June Allyson did was pack and unpack, All Dick Powell did was break his arm. But guess what those crazy Powells are saying? They had a wonderful time!...