MEMO TO MR. S. CLAUS: Since children write you letters and grownups never do, we thought we’d play postman for the stars. All they want for Christmas is a red car, romance, Paris in the Spring and—other things that will surprise you when you click...
ABOUT THE FACT that Terry Moore remains high on all fan polls, yet she can’t get a picture bid in Hollywood, leaving some newspaper people wondering if they didn’t unjustly cost her her career. . . . About the irony of the Ed Purdom story....
About Rhonda Fleming’s frank and open admission that she’s a lot more interested in Dr. Lew Morrill now that they’re apart than she ever was when they were sharing the same roof—his roof, that is, that cozy made-over Hawaiian shack in Bel-Air. What the whisperers...
“MADHOUSE MONTH” is what you can call this past one—and you won’t be wrong. So many parties, preems, movie stars making their night-club bows in town, charity events, fashion shows (the cocktail party kind)—what a whirl!
Some eighty of hundreds who went to the Beverly Hills...
RUMOR: “Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio planned their wedding for last summer—but the fear of publicity kept them from tying the knot. . . .”
FACT: Nothing to it! Marilyn, who has never known security in her life, was afraid of what marriage might do to her...
I’m amused by the fact Anita Ekberg had to go to Italy to prove she was a good actress, and Sophia Loren had to come to Hollywood to prove she wasn’t. . . . Did you notice that Tony Curtis wore his made-to- order Italian...