“What! Getting married? Golly no, on the level. If you believe everything you read I’m going with every boy in town. You’re just kidding? Well, thank goodness!”...
THE PARTY OF THE YEAR—and no doubt about it, was the out-of-this-world dinner-dance Sonja Henie so lavishly tossed at her home. The Henie had imported and installed a complete “Dancing Water Ballet.” The installation cost $7500! “Everybody”—as they say, was at Sonja’s party. In their...
There were lots of after dark doings at which Hollywood glamour-pusses had fun, ranging from the offbeat to the crazy.
On the legit side was the exciting opening of “Anniversary Waltz.” with Howard Duff and Marsha Hunt. Ida Lupino, looking lovely, was as nervous as all...