They’re living on borrowed money—but Judy isn’t worried. She’s won back her public, there’s a new baby to dream about and all’s right with the world....
I LIKE AUDREY HEPBURN, but can’t join the cult who think she’s the greatest thing since the advent of sound. If this be treason, make the most of it . . . Ever spy on someone who didn’t know he was being watched? If so,...
Does a bird like to fly? Does a fish like to swim? Does an actor like to sound off? Yes! When Photoplay gave me a chance to write what I really think, I jumped at it! And since love is what most of us want,...
Warners; Directors, Aram Avakian, Leslie H. Martinson; Producer, Max J. Rosenberg (Family)
WHO’S IN IT? Peter Breck, Peggy McCay, Angela Cartwright, Alice Pearce....