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. . . meanwhile, up at the lake, Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner were falling in love

And it’s for real!

The place was Schroon Lake, in New York. Now, Natalie Wood had to be there: they were doing some location shots for Marjorie Morningstar. But Bob didn’t have to be up in Schroon Lake—with nothing to do all day while Nat was working, with nothing to do most of the evening because Nat had to get to bed early after an early dinner—so she’d look starry-eyed for the cameras.

No, Bob could’ve been back in Hollywood, home, living it up with his friends and at parties and having a ball.

But, for Bob, having a ball was killing the day any old which way—just for the couple of hours, evening after evening for five weeks, that he could spend alone with Nat having dinner together in her hotel room, while her Mom and kid sister Lana and the rest of the crew dined community style in the hotel dining room.

Just for a couple of hours alone, together. . . .