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Holiday Cookie Mix

8 cups all-purpose flour

4 cups packed brown sugar

1 tablespoon salt

1½ teaspoons baking soda

1½ cups shortening

Mix flour, brown sugar, salt and baking soda. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Place desired amounts of mix in storage containers. Seal tightly, label and refrigerate no longer than 10 weeks. To measure, dip dry measuring cup into cookie mix; level with straight-edged spatula. 15 to 16 cups cookie mix.

Note: Large roasting pan, plastic dishpan, vegetable bin or 6-quart mixing bowl can be used for mixing ingredients. Plastic containers, jars or large plastic bags can be used to store cookie mix.

Toffee Bars

4 cups cookie mix (above)

½ cup margarine or butter, softened

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 bar (4 ounces) milk chocolate candy, broken into sections

½ cup chopped nuts, if desired 

Heat oven to 350°. Mix cookie mix, margarine, egg and vanilla. Press in greased baking pan, 13x9x2 inches.

Bake until very light brown, 25 to 30 minutes (crust will be soft). Remove from oven; immediately place pieces of chocolate candy on baked layer. Let stand until soft; spread evenly. Sprinkle with nuts. Cut into bars, about 2×1 inch, while warm. 4 dozen bars.

Spice-Raisin Cookies

4 cups cookie mix (above)

1 cup raisins

¼ cup molasses

1 egg

1 teaspoon ground ginger

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground cloves

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

3 tablespoons water

Vanilla Butter Frosting (below)

Heat oven to 375°. Mix cookie mix, raisins, molasses, egg, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Stir in water. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until almost no indentation remains when touched, about 9 minutes. Immediately remove from cookie sheet; cool. Frost with Vanilla Butter Frosting. 4 dozen cookies.


Mix 3 cups powdered sugar, 1/3 cup margarine or butter, softened, and 1½ teaspoons vanilla. Beat in about 2 tablespoons milk until smooth and of spreading consistency.


It is a quote. Betty Crocker’s Christmas Cookbook 1982