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Lew Ayres Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Lew Ayres"

Hollywood’s Biggest Comeback

Where are the stars of yesteryear? What are they doing now? Did their wealth and fame bring them happiness? These are the questions everyone is asking, for the wonderful personalities of the past are returning again to the dizzy heights of their heyday. Every night, they’ve...

Exclusively Yours

A “Grace”-ful Future: Although both Her Grace, Princess de Monaco and Prince Rainier had hoped their first child would be an heir to the throne, I have a sneaking suspicion that Grace is secretly glad that “he” turned out to be a “she”—because when Princess Caroline...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...

No Love Lost

If they never work together again it won’t hurt these Hollywood players for reasons Sheilah Graham doesn’t forget to mention....