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John Wayne Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "John Wayne" (Page 4)

Louella Parsons’ Good News

It isn’t the easiest thing in the world to be the wife of a movie actor no matter how famous, good-looking and rich he is. There are no sure-fire recipes for keeping a movie hero a husband. But, close friends say that blonde Mrs. Dean Martin...

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

“Stardom doesn’t last,” a new player named Fredric March confided to Photoplay in 1927. Bette Davis put it another way. “I don’t want to own anything I can’t pack in a trunk,” she proclaimed upon first arriving in Hollywood. Yet March, after thirty years, is...

John Wayne—Big Man! . . . Big Life! . . . Big Love!

You don’t catch John Wayne’s family singing the “location blues” when he’s off making a picture—whether it be “Donovan’s Reef” or his forthcoming “McLintock!” For where he goes they go, and love it—as witness his wife Pilar playing with their baby, John Ethan. But nobody...