Like the song says, “Where can I go without you?” Like John Wayne says, “Not even to Hawaii.” So, like a good girl, Pilar went, too—and married him!...
If you’ve ever been in love you’ll rejoice for June and Fred—and for their happy honeymoon. And you’ll forget their troubles—recent and past—as they already have....
Last month in MODERN SCREEN those four kids of mine raked me over the coals pretty well. Actually, they were fairly mild coals, I suppose, because they’re all sensitive kids, and I don’t think they’ve ever thought of saying anything that would hurt me. Sometimes...
“Gee, it’s good to be home,” said Gene McGrath.
Terry Moore, his wife, flopped down on a huge sofa beside him and looked around at the apartment, a modest twelve-room, two-storied affair in the middle of Caracas, Venezuela. “Yeah,” she said. “Only this is the third...