Dad Has His Hands Full—Bing Crosby 3 Mart 2024 in Hollywoodby admin Bing is playing his toughest role these days—father and mother to a college romeo, golf-happy twins and a high school boy!...
How The Ladds Reconciled? 24 Kasım 2023 in Hollywoodby admin They were exhausted. For ten days they had lived in a madhouse. Their nerves were jangled, tempers short. And then the top blew off!...
Ava Gardner Fights Back 21 Ekim 2023 in Hollywoodby admin For months she’s been taking everything the critics can hand out. Now Mrs. Frank Sinatra is in there slugging to win back the public and to save her marriage....
Bing Crosby’s Secret Love’s No Secret Anymore! 23 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin If you saw it in a movie, you wouldn’t believe it. The Crosby-Freeman romance is merely a case of mistaken identity!...
Sunshine Trails 24 Temmuz 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Hollywood is only the beginning—of trails that lead in all directions to West Coast wonderlands...
Wives Make The Best Husbands! 26 Ocak 2023 in Hollywoodby admin A lot of Hollywood success stories might never have been written if the mister hadn’t married the right missus...
Debbie Reynolds: “I Wish Elizabeth And Eddie All The Happiness . . .” 18 Ocak 2023 in Hollywoodby admin In this exclusive at-home interview, Debbie tells . . . “I’ve got my children . . . all I need to be happy”...
And The Heart Whispers, “Home”—Alan Ladd 1 Kasım 2022 in Hollywoodby admin Right now, it seems as if we’d never gone away. Maybe that’s because our hearts came home before we did—back to the place we Ladds love the best...
All The Things Marriage Is Made Of—Alan Ladd 26 Ekim 2022 in Hollywoodby admin “When two people click . . .” Alan says simply. But it takes more than love to make a marriage. It takes the years of growing closer together....
When Everyone You Love Has Left You. . . 28 Eylül 2022 in Hollywoodby admin Behind the smiling, beautiful face Loretta Young usually turns to the public, is a private tragedy....