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Dinah Shore Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Dinah Shore" (Page 2)

Hollywood Party Line

IF THE “OPENINGS,” celebrations, fashion shows, charity events that ushered in the debut of the fabulous new Beverly Hilton Hotel had lasted one more night, believe me, most of Hollywood and citizens of its swanky outlying districts would have been in a state of collapse!...

That’s Hollywood For You

Kim Novak is now keeping a diary! . . . Hollywood hasn’t a Times Square. It doesn’t dig anything square, man. . . . I avoid seeing movies with such titles as “I Was a Teen-age Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.” . . . Ingrid...

Oh, That Horrible Hollywood!

All they think about is having a good time, some say. Aren’t they ever serious? ask others. But the stars don’t headline their reasons—for giving the best parties of all...


Tab Hunter: “I was boiling inside, and I blew my lid. That was the beginning of my . . .” ...