That’s Hollywood For You
I don’t think Debbie Reynolds, June Allyson, Ann Blyth, representatives of the-girl-next-door type, have to change their style because Hollywood is on a glamour kick? . . . Yvonne DeCarlo’s pet poodle, Billy, sleeps in bed with her. . . . Many actresses have told me they like to go for a walk alone in the rain but I don’t know one who has. . . . Terry Moore is rather quiet these days—or maybe I shouldn’t have opened my big typewriter. . . . Suggestion for Gregory Peck: The book, “The Day Lincoln Was Shot,” would make a great movie. . . . A meal tastes better to me when I’m in a red-upholstered booth at Chasen’s. . . . Lana Turner is looking more like Lana Turner these days and nights. . . . As for George Gobel, it was Marian Todd who described him best: “He doesn’t look like someone appearing on TV. He looks like somebody who’s watching it.” . . . Vic Damone is ticklish and doesn’t Pier Angeli know it! . . . There’s no actress as frank as Shelley Winters. Recently she told me: “The only way I’ll get to be a lady is to marry a Lord.” . . . Newlywed Vera-Ellen is learning, because she said: “No matter how many ash trays I leave around, I still have to empty the carpet.”

Janet Leigh, who’s lending her name to a line of dresses, is the nicest advertisement for a form-fitting dress I know. . . . I sat next to Janet and Tony Curtis at the Photoplay Awards Dinner. And Tony won his Popularity Award as far as I was concerned because he allowed Janet to be with me. . . . Many newcomers were honored at this awards dinner, but an unknown, Sue Carson, who performed, will soon be on this magazine’s popularity poll. Four studios tried to sign Sue the next day. It was a great audition for a veteran night-club performer who could never get any attention from the movie-talent scouts. . . . I like the way Frank Sinatra appreciates a great performer. Frankie almost fell off his chair laughing at Sue Carson’s impression of Jo Stafford.

I’m not against Grace Kelly as many people, including Grace, believe. I think she’s beautiful, shrewd and just beginning to develop. . . . A few years from now I’ll probably go for her. . . . No one can feel worse seeing a bad Marilyn Monroe movie than Marilyn Monroe. . . . Aldo Ray had sex appeal in “Battle Cry,” which is something Jeff Donnell has been shouting for years. . . . I miss bumping into Ava around town. . . . I like Howard Keel’s new crew cut. . . . Of all the actors I know, Marlon Brando is the toughest to get to talk about himself. Marlon says “Either my work speaks for me or I have nothing to say,” and he sincerely means it. . . . Shirley Booth: Come Back, Little Shirley. It’s about time we had another good movie with this great actress! . . . Piper Laurie curls up when she sleeps and wakes up hugging the pillow. . . . It was starlet Joan Tyler who told another starlet: “If you think you don’t have a worry, brother—do you need to see a psychiatrist!”
Most “request movies” are the kind of movies I’d never request. . . . Don’t hear as much about Elaine Stewart as I used to. Wonder why? . . . John Wayne doesn’t favor routine and likes to eat and drink when he feels like it and keep going until real tired. My favorite character, Mike Curtiz, giving advice to an actor going to Italy: “When in Rome, do as the Romanians do.”
I like to dine at Romanoff’s because of its stock company, starring Humphrey Bogart, Paul Douglas, Pamela Mason and the Prince, himself. . . . They’ve got a script for Jane Russell which has a scene in which she masquerades as a boy. If Jane is able to do this, she’ll win every Award. . . . John Kerr, stage actor, commenting on his movie debut in “Cobweb”: “You sit around and sit around and sit around and then you work for ten minutes. It’s harder on your bottom than your top.” That’s Hollywood for You.
It is a quote. PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE MAY 1955