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Gary Crosby Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Gary Crosby"

Is It True What They Say About Gary Crosby?

Gary Crosby came to, looking over the top of his feet. Gradually the room came into focus and he saw all the white around him. He was in a hospital bed. What had happened? He didn’t even remember going down. He was just standing there...

Hollywood Party Line

THE THALIANS is a new social group comprising about two hundred members of movietown’s younger set, both sexes. But plenty older celebs are joining up or lending a hand to this bunch of “do-gooders.” Aside from talking shop at their meetings, they also stage charity...

Crack-Up!—Lindsay Crosby

It is with sadness that we publish this story of Lindsay Crosby’s breakdown. Yet, we also publish it with a sense of hope—for today, such illness can be cured. No longer is it something to be whispered about!...

Man, How Far-Out Can A Party Be?

When I arrived at the party, I noticed a streamlined white horse parked outside. I was sure it meant I’d see James Garner at the party, but when I spotted Tab Hunter I realized that the 56 model horse was his. “Hi,” he said, “I’m...

Hollywood Party Line

IF THE “OPENINGS,” celebrations, fashion shows, charity events that ushered in the debut of the fabulous new Beverly Hilton Hotel had lasted one more night, believe me, most of Hollywood and citizens of its swanky outlying districts would have been in a state of collapse!...