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Bye Bye Birdie Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Bye Bye Birdie"

Ann-Margret: “Why I Prefer Divorced Men”

As Ann-Margret and Eddie Fisher dated in Las Vegas, whispers followed them—even as they bicycled along the Strip. Those whispers said, “Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor, Liz Taylor!” All those tourists who had come to Vegas—as much in hopes of seeing celebrities as of hitting jack-pots—stared...

Janet Leigh’s Own Story

The tragic separation of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis will go into Hollywood history as the worst-kept secret of the 60’s. Everyone knew it was coming—except Janet and Tony. Everyone predicted divorce—except Janet and Tony....

Ann-Margret’s Life Story!

Last month, Part 1 of Ann-Margret’s life story described how she and her parents left their native Sweden and came to live in Illinois. In Wilmette, a high school teacher told Ann-Margret, “I predict Hollywood for you” A short time later his prediction came true....

Ann-Margret’s Life Story!

Ann-Margret Olson—twenty-one, five-feet-four, green-eyed, with that long silken brown hair of hers, pretty as they come, more talented than they usually come, definitely headed for the Big Time—is no exception to the rule....