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Anne Baxter Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Anne Baxter" (Page 5)

Are You The Girl I’m Looking For?

Does a bird like to fly? Does a fish like to swim? Does an actor like to sound off? Yes! When Photoplay gave me a chance to write what I really think, I jumped at it! And since love is what most of us want,...

Hollywood Party Line

If most Hollywood didn't have “preemitis” this month, it wasn’t the fault of the studios which fancy-preemed two big pictures within a week of each other. One of these preems was followed by a large party. But there were other openings and parties that brought...

Go Out To A Movie

Love Me or Leave Me—One of the most unusual music dramas ever made gives Doris Day and James Cagney roles as startling as the picture. ...

Figure Foibles

Even Hollywood’s famous figures have their problems. Here’s what they do to correct the shape they’re in!...

Charlton Heston Sounds Off On Men And Matrimony

“I suppose there are some people who think Lydia and I are old-fashioned,” Chuck Heston said quietly, “naive, perhaps, because we believe in the sanctity of marriage, and that there can be no double Standard for two people who really love each other.” Heston paused...

Strictly U.S.A.

And strictly himself! He’s the man with old-world chivalry and new-world appeal—this Hollywood headliner, John Hodiak...