Louella Parsons’ Good News 26 Eylül 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Liz is hoping for twins . . . Bergman weeps over Pia’s court testimony . . . Jane Wyman’s rug-cutting party is a WHAM-BAMMIE . . . Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford climax all of those rumors . . ....
Louella Parsons’ Good News 25 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Dale Robertson’s Romance . . . Hollywood Burglaries . . . Will Rock Hudson Marry Betty?...
Is Bing Crosby Thinking Of Love? 11 Ağustos 2023 in Hollywoodby admin Hot gossip says Bing’s in love with Mona Freeman. Bing says nothing. Here’s one guess at the truth....