An Exclusive Interview with Marilyn Monroe by Earl Wilson . . . In her first interview before she left for Hollywood, Marilyn answers every question—about her peace terms with the studio, her life in New York, her future plans. She doesn’t even dodge the one...
In the past, the legend has robbed he woman of friends, love, peace of mind. Will the struggle between Marilyn Monroe’s two selves goon? Will it be a struggle to the death—of one? And which one will win? The woman—or the legend?...
“A brilliant comedienne” was Laurence Olivier's assessment of his costar Marilyn Monroe before they began filming The Prince and the Showgirl in London in 1956....
Emmeline Snively, who ran the modeling agency that employed Norma Jeane Dougherty, commented years later that girls would often ask her how they could be more like the woman who had become Marilyn Monroe....